Thank you for joining me on a journey to wonder together through this Wake Up to Wonder blog. I'm excited to announce that the blog's namesake book, Wake Up to Wonder, has been released by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.! The book is filled with inspiring stories, biblical wisdom, and scientific research into awe (wonder). It gives you practical steps for experiencing wonder in your life on a regular basis. We’re going through many stressful challenges right now. Every day, we’re faced with bad news: the ongoing pandemic, the struggle for racial justice, our environmental crisis, economic problems, and more. But we need to remember that there is plenty of good news to celebrate every day, as well. Wonder helps us notice what’s good around us. It enlarges our perspective, so we can see beyond our changing circumstances to a constant hope. Wonder prevents our lives from shrinking down to the level of our stress. It inspires us to transcend stress by seeking out hope and connecting with God. Regular experiences of wonder are vital to our well-being. In Wake Up to Wonder, I present the latest research on wonder and well-being. Experiencing wonder is associated with many well-being benefits. Those benefits include more of qualities such as: life satisfaction, positive emotions (such as happiness, peace, and gratitude), spiritual feelings, interest in learning, humility, kindness, generosity, and connection to others. Those benefits also include less of qualities such as: stress, materialism, anxiety, and levels of physical inflammation that are linked to diseases. You can experience wonder anytime and anywhere once you learn how to intentionally pursue it. No matter what circumstances you’re facing, you can strengthen your well-being by making wonder a high priority in your life. Consider this quote from physicist Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Wonder is waiting for you to wake up to it and enjoy the adventure of it. Thanks for reading Wake Up to Wonder, considering reviewing it on Amazon.com, and telling your friends and family about it. I hope it will be a blessing to you!