On top of a gypsum dune at White Sands National Park in New Mexico, I sat down on a bright red sled that contrasted with the sprawling expanse of white dunes surrounding me. The sounds of excited screams and laughter from people sledding down nearby dunes filled the air. As I glanced down about 50 feet to the bottom of the slope, I smiled and pushed off. All the stress I felt as an adult seemed to fly away as my sled slid down. By the end of the ride, I felt as free as a child again – thanks to a sense of childlike wonder.
I used to think that playfulness wasn’t important enough to be taken seriously. But I’ve learned that being playful is about much more than just having fun; it’s an important way to experience wonder on a regular basis. So, this year when all of us at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being had to choose a word of the year to focus on for our well-being, I chose playfulness.
Incorporating playfulness into our lives allows us to experience wonder by connecting us to something greater than ourselves. As adults, we often think of play as a luxury for special occasions or even as something frivolous we don’t need. Yet playfulness is essential to our mental and spiritual well-being. It can help us reduce our stress and spark our creativity. Most importantly, it can wake us up to the wonder of God’s presence in our lives.
In Matthew 18:3, Jesus tells us: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The childlike qualities of openness, curiosity, and trust often motivate children to seek new adventures through play – and experience wonder along the way. We can rekindle those same qualities Jesus wants us to have when we pursue playful adventures. Playfulness allows us to step out of our busy routines and see our lives through a lens of awe that inspires us to grow closer to God.
Here are some ideas to weave playfulness into your daily routine:
Explore nature creatively: Go for a hike and make it playful. Don’t hesitate to roll down a grassy hill, dance on a beach, or try bird calls in a forest. Take a spontaneous trip to a natural place you’ve wanted to visit for a long time but hadn’t made time for before – a zoo with animals you’d like to see, a dark sky park where you can stargaze, etc.
Rediscover some of your favorite childhood activities: Make time again to play board games, build something with LEGOs, ride a bike, etc.
Play with children or pets: Spend time with children and let their curiosity inspire you. Build a blanket fort, play hide-and-seek, or join them in silly games. Play with pets you know (and consider adopting a pet if you don’t already have one). Enjoy how pets make you laugh.
Learn a new skill: Try something new that’s fun for you, like joining a recreational sports league or taking art classes. Let yourself be a beginner and embrace the process.
Add playfulness to your chores to make them less boring: Turn mundane tasks into a game, such as racing the clock while folding laundry. Turn on music you enjoy and dance while cleaning the house or cooking dinner.
Embrace spontaneity: Say yes to unplanned adventures like taking a day trip suddenly on a free day, buying last-minute tickets to a concert, or even just going outside for a walk during sunset.
Laugh at yourself: When you make mistakes, see them as opportunities for enjoying humor and embracing God’s grace.
Incorporating playfulness into your life isn’t just about having fun; it’s about opening yourself up to moments of wonder that point you back to God. When you play, you begin to see the world – and your God-given place in it – with fresh eyes. The ordinary becomes extraordinary, inspiring you with awe that gives you the perspective God wants you to enjoy every day.
So, make play a high priority in your life. Rediscover what it means to be playful and let that joy guide you to a deeper awareness of the wonder around you!
Read my latest Crosswalk.com articles and devotionals.
Learn more about experiencing God’s wonder in Wake Up to Wonder (order the paperback or the e-book) and Wonder Through the Year: A Daily Devotional for Every Year (order the paperback or the e-book).