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Wonder Walks that Excite You

Wonder walks are times of intentionally searching for awe while walking. By looking for wonder on purpose while walking, you can discover adventure in every step. You can experience awe on a wonder walk in many ways. One of those ways is by pursuing excitement as you walk.

Prayer and meditation can help you make important discoveries, and learn from them, on your wonder walks. A good time to pray is when you first step out to walk. Ask God to lead you to something exciting that will inspire you with wonder. Then, after you experience it, use the rest of your walk to meditate on what happened. Whenever you discover wonder on a walk, you can learn something valuable about the God who walks with you. As Psalm 89:15 points out: "Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord."

While walking recently, I looked for something exciting that would rejuvenate my energy. I encountered a group of four eastern cottontail rabbits romping through a neighbor’s yard. The energy of their playful antics spread to me, as they munched on grass and chased each other in zigzags around the yard. Excitement welled up in me like a wave. I found myself spontaneously dancing on the sidewalk, inadvertently scaring them away. Later I circled back and saw they had returned to the yard. That time I kept my distance but enjoyed the thrill of seeing the wild rabbits again.

When you feel boredom creeping up on you, plan to look for excitement on a wonder walk! What sparks your curiosity, makes you smile, and energizes you? What shakes up the sediment of apathy in you, challenging you to pay attention and care? What inspires you to move beyond just getting through your to-do list, to enjoying transcendent times of wonder? You never know what you'll find on a wonder walk, but by having possibilities in mind, you're likely to notice something exciting that inspires you with awe.

How have you discovered excitement on a walk?

Learn more about experiencing God’s wonder in Wake Up to Wonder (order the paperback or the e-book) and Wonder Through the Year: A Daily Devotional for Every Year (order the paperback or the e-book).

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